Marco Baldocchi Group
Neuromarketing Agency
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Communication beyond the unspoken

The Founder

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Who is Marco Baldocchi


  • Marco Baldocchi Group (Miami)
  • On Web (Italy)
  • Emotek Reality (Miami)

Marco Baldocchi was born in Lucca in 1978, graduated in Communication Sciences in Switzerland, he founded the On Web communication agency in 2005. In 2018 he created the Marco Baldocchi Group inc. , an agency specializing in neuromarketing, in Miami (Florida) and Emotek Reality ltd. , a company that deals with augmented reality (Miami). He holds the role of National Manager for Technological Innovation for Conflavoro and that of United States Communications Manager for MAIE.
Speaker at national and international events in the field of neuromarketing, lecturer for realities including the 24Ore Business School.
Author of "Neuromarketing for food" (Flaccovio Editore) and co-author in the U.S.A. in the publication "Money Matters Tips vol.2".

Member of the NMSBA (Neuromarketing Science & Business Association), voted by the members of the NMSBA "6th best speaker for the Neuromarketing Series 2021"

He holds the role of Neuromarketing Research Director for the National Applied Neuroscience Association.

Active member of the IAA, International Advertising Association.

Creator of the Neuromarketing Academy, the most important neuromarketing event in Italy.