Marco Baldocchi Group
Neuromarketing Agency
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Neuromarketing applied to websites

neuromarketing and neurowebdesign websites
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In a previous article, I explained the relevance of mobile advertising and how important it is now to have an online presence.

However, mere presence is not enough to get customers to choose you.

In this article, I will explain some simple rules to follow when designing a website that is functional.


The versatility of neuromarketing allows it to be helpful in so many areas.

Thus, it can also help in the design of anything from product packaging, to business plan graphics, to infographics and websites.

Neuromarketing studies can reestablish the rules of graphic design.

This is precisely what neuro design is all about: the application of neuroscientific theories to the design and creation of effective communication products.

Neuro design also relies on behavioral economics and aesthetics to create designs that can attract the client’s attention effectively.

Graphic designers have always used their intuition in creating projects.

Now with neuro design, scientific value can be given to different graphic designs.

The nonconscious part of our brain analyzes everything around us.

That is why it is important to apply neuroscience theories to design as well.

Most of the time people do not actually know why they prefer one graphic over another.

The role of neuroscience and psychology is to understand how human attention and perception work so that we can create products that appeal.

neurowebdesign of websites


Nowadays, websites are the most important thing about a business.

When customers interact with your brand, they must be able to have the best possible experience.

This means the page load time should not be too long, the navigability of the site should be easy and intuitive, the competence of your support team should be good, and the fluidity of the check-out or contact form you ask them to fill out should work well.

If any one of these aspects fails, the customer is very likely to go elsewhere.

This is because each of these steps consists of a response to an expectation.

Our brain, in fact, functions as a reward probability calculator.

Every action we take is inevitably accompanied by an expectation of what the outcomes may be.

If this expectation is not met, it creates in us a sense of dissatisfaction, which is something we do not want our customers to experience.


There are some elements that should not be missing from a website:

  1. Simple but dynamic graphics that promote navigation. The organization of the page is critical to allow the user to understand what steps they need to take to reach their goal. Highlighting buttons to press with appropriate wording is definitely something useful to allow the user to easily find shortcuts to take. The graphics should be as minimal as possible so that the user does not get lost looking for things.
  2. The user experience must not be driven by aesthetics but by a user experience that places the customer’s perception and reactions at the center.
  3. Content must be constantly updated. Updates must be frequent and, above all, meaningful. Often the introduction of a blog within the website enables the creation of diverse communication content that can engage customers.
  4. The page must be responsive, adaptive, or dedicated to mobile browsing. It is imperative that the site works well on the browser as well as on tablet and mobile. Most consumers today browse websites from their cell phones. If the site does not work well on mobile devices people will abandon the search very quickly.
websites and neuro design

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