Marco Baldocchi Group
Neuromarketing Agency
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The 4 types of consumer behavior

consumer behavior
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what are the types of consumer behavior

As mentioned in a previous article, consumer behavior is the study of how, where, when and why consumers buy, use and get rid of products or services.  

The behavior of a consumer while buying a coke is a lot different while buying a motorbike.

In this article, I would like to go through the different types of consumer behavior. 

There are four types of consumer buying behavior: 

  1. Complex buying behavior
  2. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior
  3. Habitual buying behavior
  4. Variety seeking behavior
consumer behavior

complex buying behavior

dissonance-reducing consumer behavior

Let’s start with the complex buying behavior.

It occurs when the buyer is highly involved with the purchase.

In fact, it happens when a consumer buys expensive products like a new home, car etc..

When it comes to complex buying behavior, the buyer goes through a learning process.

In complex buying behavior, marketers should have a deep understanding of the product itself.

In addition, it is necessary to create specific adv messages that influence the buyer’s beliefs as well as attitudes.

Understanding consumers’ behaviors, thoughts, and feelings is key to unlocking greatness in the way we relate.

Also in this case, buying behavior consumer involvement is very high. 

Dissonance-reducing buying behavior happens when the buyer is highly involved but sees little difference between the various brands.

After having bought a product, the consumer is likely to experience the dissonance.

The dissonance comes from noticing that other brands would have been just as good, if not better.

From a cognitive point of view, a consumer will seek information that justifies its original purchase.

For example, a consumer who is looking for a new furniture, decides on few brands available.

Dissonance-reducing buying behavior

The main feature here will be the use and the budget.

Marketers should focus sale campaigns that aim to convince consumers to continue with their choice of their brand.

In other words, they should concentrate on building repeated purchases and by offering discounts.


habitual buying behavior

We speak of habitual buying behavior when a consumer has low involvement in a purchase decision.

For example, when consumers buy shampoo, soaps, eggs at the supermarket etc. they usually do not put a lot of thought.

Buyers either purchase their favorite brand, the one that they use regularly or the one available in the store.

Therefore, there is no brand loyalty.

What should marketing specialists do?

In order to attract potential buyers, marketers should particularly concentrate on visual symbols and images.

Ads campaigns that contain the above mentioned features are proven to be successful for this type of consumer behavior.

variety seeking buying behavior

Variety-seeking buyer behavior is the buying tendency of those who do not have a high involvement with a product.

In this case, consumers often do a lot of brand switching.

Basically, consumers buy different products not because of dissatisfaction but mainly with an urge to seek variety.

So, what is the best marketing strategy here? 

One way is to create a product which has the same brand but different versions. 

Out-of-stock products are to be avoided.

Instead, do frequent advertising, offer lower prices, discounts, deals and free samples to attract potential customers.

Interested in knowing more about the 4 types of consumer behavior?

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